Saturday, September 29, 2018

Seeking Investors Strong Returns

August 2018

Welcome to our financial journal.

For those of you who are new to the blog, I am the chief writer and I represent a group of people who are traders, educators chart analysts and investors of the financial markets.   I have traded and learned through my experiences in every market cycle as a trader (since 2009) and technical analyst.  Collectively my team and I have gained 3-decades of experience and our resources are expanding.

We would like you to propel our success to the next level.  Let me express to you our strategy and key areas of focus; it includes

  • Starting an Education and Training Center
  • Fund for private investors
  • Media channel through an independent website (.com) that sells lessons, eBooks and streams content
With your support you will join the team of our investment partners and you can get paid based on my trades and investments.  Over the short term I will be offering my mentoring and trading services to individuals and groups, once the group gets filled we will progress to the next level which is a physical location and radio channel!

Contact me at and we will discuss how to get started with our team and get paid based on my experience.  

This is what we'll cover
  • An initial phone call and strategy session
  • A meet up to discuss investment arrangement and payment schedule
  • And then determine how the relationship will run into the future
Thank you and keep coming back to this page for more of our successful trades and technical takes on the markets